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学者 / 科技与卫生学院 / 运动科学


Do you aspire to a career that helps others live healthier lives? In Tiffin University’s exercise science program, 当你探索运动的科学基础和核心要素时,你将深入挖掘健康和健康. 我们现代运动生理学的综合原理将为您在迷人和充实的运动科学领域的专业机会做好准备.

运动科学课程旨在为您提供理解人类如何以及为什么运动的坚实基础. This interdisciplinary program includes courses from the fields of biology, 化学与运动生理学. 通过这个项目, 你会明白体育活动和锻炼在预防中的重要作用, treatment and recovery from a variety of disease conditions. 你也会学到这个, 作为这个领域的专业人士, 教育别人运动的好处和久坐不动的负面影响是你的责任. Upon successful completion of the required coursework, 你可以在联合健康的各个领域寻找工作,也可以申请科学和健康专业的研究生院.

博彩平台推荐运动科学实验室让您体验和实践您将在课堂上获得的新知识. The lab has been equipped with instruments such as stopwatches, 测角仪, 电力系统70200弹性测试仪, MyoTape, 平衡木秤, BioScan 916 BIA, 液压手评估, 紧凑的节拍器, 心率监测表, incentive deep breathing exercise spirometer, 卡尺, 肌电系统(EMG), Monark人体工程学884E冲刺自行车, 达特菲什软件和更多.

在运动科学实验室, 你将对身体成分进行研究, 灵活性, 最大摄氧量(VO2max), 肌肉骨骼健康和生理, 运动的生物力学, 热力学和更多.

TU’s program provides an opportunity for you to become certified in First Aid/CPR/AED, and certified as an exercise physiologist by the American College of Sports Medicine.

  • 我们的专业课程与最新科学进展相关的创新和技术发展保持同步.
  • Interactive classes enable you to apply your knowledge, preparing you for academia as well as professional growth.
  • You’ll work one-on-one with highly experienced faculty-mentors.
  • 您将在我们全新的、设备齐全的运动科学实验室应用课堂上的课程.
  • Industry certifications are embedded into courses.
  • Our students often go on to graduate school, pursuing further study in 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 医师助理, 医学院, 运动训练及其他.

作为专业课程的一部分, 你将从教师的经验中受益,因为你从他们的第一手经验和获得的知识中学习. Our program’s instructors bring years of real-world work experience – in clinical exercise physiology; cardiovascular, 肺, and metabolic rehabilitation; strength and conditioning; and occupational/corporate health.

虽然大多数机构的课程都强调“准备”专业认证, our program requires certification exams as a part of the curriculum. Three certifications are embedded into courses – First Aid/CPR, AED, 认证运动生理学家和认证力量和调节专家-我们的教师将努力为您提供追求这些重要认证的最佳机会.


As a graduate of the exercise science program, 你将配备电流, relevant field knowledge and career-ready skills, 包括:

  • 生物力学
  • 运动生理学
  • 基本的健康检查/解释
  • 力量和调节
  • 运动测试和处方
  • Exercise programming for healthy, athletic and special/clinical populations
  • 压力测试/心电图解释
  • 姿势分析
  • Corrective exercise training for reducing muscular and skeletal pain
  • 慢性疾病发展
  • 改变生活方式的技巧

Experiential learning is important in the study of exercise science in two key ways. 首先是能力. 适用于该领域的从业者, competence is the first thing they value when interviewing job candidates. 运动科学可以被认为是一门保健学科,不称职可能导致无效或有害的计划. 能力是不可替代的,体验式学习是在该领域获得能力的安全有效的方法.

其次, 非常重要的一点是, experiential learning allows you to build a professional network, which may help you to obtain future employment.

  • 在基于应用程序的学习活动中,您将积极地作为参与者和测试人员/专业人员, including practical assessments and/or mock professional laboratory assignments.
  • You’ll participate in a professional internship. 最近, our exercise science students have interned in 物理治疗 clinics, cardiovascular rehabilitation facilities and in sport science programs.
  • Our program emphasizes evidence-based practice. 这将需要你在小组中工作, 学习作为团队的一员工作, which is a valued skillset among employers.
  • 与来自不同人口的学生合作,为与不同背景的学生合作提供了宝贵的经验.

艺术学院核心课程 & 科学- 37小时

运动科学专业- 67学时

  • BIO210普通生物学I - 3小时
  • BIO210L普通生物学I实验室- 1小时
  • BIO211普通生物学II - 3学时
  • BIO211L普通生物学II实验室- 1小时
  • 通用化学I - 3小时
  • CHM131L普通化学I实验室- 1小时
  • 通用化学II - 3小时
  • CHM132L普通化学II实验室- 1小时

Students majoring in 运动科学 must earn a minimum of a 2.在完成上述生物课程序列或CHM课程序列时达到5 GPA, 为了继续主修.

  • BIO311 and BIO311L 人体解剖学 and Physiology I + Lab – 4 hours
  • BIO312 and BIO312L 人体解剖学 and Physiology II + Lab – 4 hours
  • EXS146 Introduction to 运动科学 (w) – 3 hours
  • EXS225运动发展- 3小时
  • EXS315 and EXS315L 生物力学 of Sport and Exercise + Lab – 4 hours
  • EXS316 Nutrition for Sport and Exercise – 3 hours
  • EXS322运动学- 3小时
  • EXS422 and EXS422L Exercise Physiology + Lab – 4 hours
  • EXS442 and EXS442L Exercise Testing and Prescription + Lab – 4 hours
  • EXS475 Research Methods in 运动科学 – 3 hours
  • 急救/心肺复苏术/AED - 1小时
  • NAT124 Introduction to Athletic Training – 3 hours
  • NAT260 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness – 3 hours
  • PSY101 Introduction to Psychology – 3 hours
  • SOC101 Introduction to Sociology – 3 hours
  • SAS470实习- 3小时

总计 = 67小时

专业合计 = 122小时

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


人体解剖学 & 生理学II (BIO312) 本课程是BIO311人体解剖学与生理学I和BIO311L人体解剖学与生理学实验室的延续. This course will cover the endocrine system; the blood; the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; the lymphatic system and lymphoid organs and tissues; the immune system; the digestive system and the urinary system; the reproductive and developmental processes. The course will review the application of these concepts in the identification, 疾病的诊断和治疗,将涵盖临床病例研究的选定主题. The course will also include a one-hour laboratory.

生物力学 of Sport and Exercise Lab (EXS315L) -本课程旨在向学生介绍运动分析的工具和技术, 机械的概念, 与人体运动的解剖和机械基础有关的力和性能分析. 本课程将为学生提供与生物力学领域相关的实验室实践经验.

运动与运动营养(EXS316) -本课程将研究许多宏量营养素和微量营养素的影响,以及运动和营养相互作用对健康和表现产生可预测结果的具体情况.

运动机能学(EXS322) – The scientific study of human movement has been defined as Kinesiology, 也被称为人体动力学. This course will examine the relationship of the anatomical, 生理, and the mechanical principles of human motion.


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with a start date of January and August

美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)最近更新的流行病学数据显示,肥胖率继续上升, 部分原因是缺乏体育锻炼. This will only fuel the rates of cardiometabolic diseases, 因此,在预防/康复项目中增加了对运动和保健专业人员的需求.

So, 前进, exercise science students will have ample opportunity for employment in a growing field. 此外, 我们的课程定位学生谁感兴趣的追求医疗保健专业研究生学习, 比如医药, 物理治疗, 职业治疗等等.

  • 体育教练
  • 心血管/肺康复
  • 企业健康
  • 运动生理学家
  • 营养学家
  • Perfusionist
  • 私人教练
  • 物理治疗师
  • 公共卫生教育工作者
  • 力量与体能教练
  • 压力测试技术


  • 企业健康
  • 运动生理学家
  • 营养学家
  • 私人教练
  • 力量与体能教练





“当涉及到新事物时,任何人的头脑中都会有一点怀疑. 但对我来说,我认为证明那些说我做不到的人是错的是我最大的动力. There’s really nothing that seems impossible to me anymore. 世界在不断变化,与我第一次走进TU校园时相比,我觉得我现在更有能力适应这些变化.”

To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.